On Infosec and Tech

“It is a fool who repeats the same actions expecting a different outcome”
Grom Hellscream, Lord of the Clans

No, this will not be another blog reboot or a blog revive try. We all know what happened in 2012 and 2013 🙂 and as the mighty Grom Hellscream of the Warcraft lore once advised (see reference above) I want to do something different this year and hopefully it will have a different outcome.  So what I plan to do this 2014 (and onwards) is to put all my InfoSec and Tech posts here at AVSecurityProductManager.com.


<Image Credits: Stofstik/Doge Meme Creator (Android app)>

Most of those InfoSec and tech posts will revolve on usual topics: malware, security, spam, and related insights so the blog is still headed in good direction. Ideally there should be some mash up with product management and maybe some project management from time to time. And if there will be some mix and mash with other topics of interest (like games, mobile, social media) that will be like hitting the jackpot :)) .

But I will be more realistic this time and try to populate this website first and observe if I can reach my 1 post per month target for this blog and see where this will lead us.

Wish me luck with this new endeavor!

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