I have been busy the past few months because of these PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Apps). Honestly I consider myself lucky because yours truly was an old-school AV veteran that survived the good ol’ spyware wars (circa 2003) so connecting the dots for this technical challenge will be considerably an easy task. As I have not …
Author Archives: Menard
On Vulnerability Scanning – Part 2
Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose. Sun Tzu, Art of War This is the 2nd part of my Vulnerability scanning post. Background: A friend …
On Vulnerability Scanning
“The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand” Sun Tzu, Art of War A friend of mine asked me if I can give my advice about vulnerability scanning. He is enrolled in an information security class in …
On Infosec and Tech
“It is a fool who repeats the same actions expecting a different outcome” Grom Hellscream, Lord of the Clans No, this will not be another blog reboot or a blog revive try. We all know what happened in 2012 and 2013 🙂 and as the mighty Grom Hellscream of the Warcraft lore once advised (see reference …
Repost: RSA Conference 2014: The Way Forward
A repost of my previous article on RSA Conference 2014 for the Security Intelligence Blog. RSA Conference 2014: The Way Forward by Menard Osena (Senior Product Manager) I attended the RSA 2014 Conference in San Francisco, which has held about two weeks ago. This year the conference offered new insights to today’s threat landscape, which will …
Continue reading “Repost: RSA Conference 2014: The Way Forward”
Pinterest Email Spam
I got this interesting email spam last week… Subject: Your password on Pinterest Successfully changed! Image 1. Suspect email sample I feel something is fishy (and phishy too) with the suspect email above. I don’t use this email address for social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin or Pinterest) so it is very unlikely to …
Customer Visit Report Template
I have mentioned in my previous post that one of the most enjoyable activities of Product Managers is doing customer visits. I have created a short Customer Visit Report Template that I used presenting the visit to my colleagues and to the management team. May be useful for other product managers so I’m sharing it …
Repost: RSA Conference 2013: On Security Awareness, Hacking Back and Going Offensive Legally
Some re-post from my recent trip to SF for the #RSAC 2013: RSA Conference 2013: On Security Awareness, Hacking Back and Going Offensive Legally by Menard Osena (Solutions Product Manager) Two weeks ago, I attended RSA 2013 Conference in San Francisco and was impressed by the number of participating security vendors. The addition of the Human …
Blog Reboot for 2013
The Version Two Dot Oh attempt for last year was a flop! So let me do a reboot for 2013, remove the 2.0 reference and just write something here. Yup, this blog will still be related to product management. I plan to populate this blog with my PM ideas and insights and set limitations (on …
Repost: How Big will the Android Malware Threat Be in 2012?
To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of my post at Malware Blog, I am reposting this article here at AVSecurityProductManager.com: How Big will the Android Malware Threat Be in 2012? by Menard Osena (Solutions Product Manager) In August 2011, we released our Snapshot of Android Threats, which stated that there was a significant increase in the number of Trojanized …
Continue reading “Repost: How Big will the Android Malware Threat Be in 2012?”