Repost: RSA Conference 2014: The Way Forward

A repost of my previous article on RSA Conference 2014 for the Security Intelligence Blog. RSA Conference 2014: The Way Forward by Menard Osena (Senior Product Manager) I attended the RSA 2014 Conference in San Francisco, which has held about two weeks ago. This year the conference offered new insights to today’s threat landscape, which will …

Customer Visit Report Template

I have mentioned in my previous post that one of the most enjoyable activities of Product Managers is doing customer visits. I have created a short Customer Visit Report Template that I used presenting the visit to my colleagues and to the management team. May be useful for other product managers so I’m sharing it …

Repost: RSA Conference 2013: On Security Awareness, Hacking Back and Going Offensive Legally

Some re-post from my recent trip to SF for the #RSAC 2013: RSA Conference 2013: On Security Awareness, Hacking Back and Going Offensive Legally by Menard Osena (Solutions Product Manager) Two weeks ago, I attended RSA 2013 Conference in San Francisco and was impressed by the number of participating security vendors. The addition of the Human …

Repost: How Big will the Android Malware Threat Be in 2012?

To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of my post at Malware Blog, I am reposting this article here at How Big will the Android Malware Threat Be in 2012? by Menard Osena (Solutions Product Manager) In August 2011, we released our Snapshot of Android Threats, which stated that there was a significant increase in the number of Trojanized …